
img_1485I hear calls for unity
I read admonitions to
… move on
…accept reality
…respect feelings
…support the new direction.
…”rejoice with those who rejoice.”

I will.
I resolve to.
I can.
In time.

In your haste to move on
to celebrate,
to share victorious congratulations,
remember those who are grieving,
as I hope I could have,
had the tables been turned.

I have lost.
Not an election, but
I have lost ground.
I have lost ground on a path towards

* respect and dignity
* full acceptance of my loved ones of color
as equal, protected, valued,
* recognition of those who are “abled” as well as
those “differently abled”
* the assurance that people – high ranking and the rank and file – will be held accountable for aggression toward
and disregard of girls and women
* truly caring for people who are in desperate need
* respect for the other – whether that is a foreigner,
someone who is LGBTQ, a person who worships differently than I do – or not at all, or one who falls into yet another other category.

It’s like losing a loved one!
Many have quick, pat answers for that, too;
formulas for how grief and life works

“It’s God’s will…”
“You will make it…”
“It’s just like when I…”
“Don’t be so dramatic…”
“This is no time for self-pity…”
“Dust yourself off…”

Please, don’t.
Can you just give me a little minute?

I will rally.
Yes, I will.
But today, I humbly acknowledge
the pain, the loss, the disappointment.
I work hard to keep from using
pejorative language
that would label you.
It helps me to imagine sitting
across from friends and loved ones
whom I disagree with, but still respect.

I will rally.
Yes, I will.
But you cannot regulate grief,
put an expiration date on disillusionment,
disregard the time it takes simply
to process all that has been,
and ponder the ramifications
for the future.

I will rally.
Yes, I will.
I will rally to fight,
Not to fight you.
Not to prove who’s right or who’s wrong.
I will fight
NOT against, but FOR all I value.
… FOR all the things I wrote about yesterday,
which are as true today as they were 24 hours ago.
I will fight for
and opportunity.

Because of today’s loss – today’s grief –
my fight may be stronger
more public
more outspoken
less afraid.

I suspect there will be times in which
we may fight together.
You and I.

We will rally.

© Julia Penner-Zook, 2016
Photo credit: Milada Vigerova via unsplash.com

28 thoughts on “11/9

  1. These are lovely thoughts which add comfort to my hurting heart. I am so glad I have three co-workers who understand where I am, how I feel about this past year of hope.
    I will pick up the level of hope after I finish grieving. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Please do pick up hope in YOUR time – sometimes post-grief; sometimes intermingled with grief that keeps recurring. Hope is our life-blood and it’s heartwarming to read you have those who tend to your heat and hope. ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I am blessed at this point in my life and grieve no more over past. The future may include deaths, but overwhelming feelings of joy and happiness are going to balance these out. ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh, Julia! Thank you for writing words that speak to my heart and I understand so completely! It is a sad time, and I can only hope that the giant steps backwards will not be truth…that I have somehow misjudged it all. But everyday there are more appointments that are simply…frightening!!
    In peace…and love ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, Lorrie! These are uncertain times and we must be vigilant – in terms of what is going on politically as well as in how we guard our personal wellbeing and that of others. The balance is sometimes difficult to manage. Love and peace to you as well. ❤️

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Reblogged this on Estelea's Blog and commented:
    On giving time to time .. the beautiful and poignant post of Julia Penner Zook, a must read. Very proud to count her on the list of my fav bloggers! Many blessings all the way to you ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Always positive, always forward thinking and careful to include all , some need help, encouragement, direction or support- always an insightful comment on the current social climate- so refreshing we need people to affect change with more positivity – never as eloquent as you but I hope I got my point across

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely, you got your point across, dear! You’re right: we ALL need encouragement, help, support and inclusion. I’m committed to embrace, rather than exclusion! Thank you for taking time for such an insightful comment. ❤️


      1. I completely understand. I’m the same –– and I’m grateful that I sometimes catch your work on Twitter! Seeing the beauty of what you create immediately brings peace in often troubling times. Thank you! ❤️


  5. Amen Julia. Grieving is the correct term for how I feel right now. I know it’ll all be okay. I have faith that our leaders will do their very best to do what’s right. But just give me a minute.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Brava! Brava! These powerful and pain filled words are timely. They are a balm and a confidant, a shoulder and an embrace. These words are perfectly succinct to the present ache. So necessary. Thank you poet/writer (friend), it is precisely in times like these that we need our wordsmiths the most. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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